Pre-Law Journey & Planning

As an English major on the pre-law track, I have pushed myself in my academic work by taking honors classes and ensuring that I set aside time everyday to get homework done. Over the summer, I worked for the Illinois Bar Foundation at the Daley Center in downtown Chicago. It was a great experience for me because I was able to familiarize myself with court paperwork and guide patrons into filling it out. This was a unique way to learn more about the justice system and the steps that are necessary to get a court case started. I also was able to learn about organizations that give low cost legal aid to people that need representation in the court process. As a reward for this internship, I received a scholarship for completing 300 hours at the courthouse. I am really glad that I had the opportunity to work at the courthouse because it reinforced my desire of helping people navigate throughout the complex court system and achieving a sense of justice in their life. 

In the summer after I graduate, I plan to intern somewhere else over the summer and prepare myself for the LSAT. To do this, I am going to look at job opportunities on websites like Handshake to learn more about what is available. Additionally, there are many resources online that give LSAT practice I will use to strengthen my analysis skills. To start off, I will study on websites such as Kaplan and LSAC to get an initial understanding. After that, I might buy an LSAT prep book to fully prepare myself and get ready for the exam.